那一刻,我想起馬國明先生《路邊政治經濟學》中的「街頭掠影」,然後想起灣仔、小販、魚蛋、砵仔糕……(繼而便飢寒交迫囉 ~~~)我想,要真正認識香港,其中不能不認識這些街頭文化啊。
[T]he dominance of Cantonese in Hong Kong, as much as the dominance of English, is the result of colonialism.British colonialism have led to the negligence of Putunghua education and the raising of several generations of HK Chinese that are poor speakers of Putunghua, thus rendering them unable to communicate with the majority of the Chinese population and their fellow Chinese citizens. The recognition of this historical shame should have obligated us to greatly expand the use Putunghua instead of Cantonese as the medium of instruction in CUHK and all levels of schooling.
At the same time, we should be critically aware of the fact that Cantonese is not even the indigenous language of Hong Kong, and that the dominance of Cantonese is the outcome of a historical process of hegemony and homogenization that is arguably no less violent than British colonialism. Just think of all the new migrants who even today are regarded as less “Hong Kong” and discriminated against by the majority of HK Chinese because they cannot speak accentless Cantonese. The original inhabitants of HK were the Tankas and the Hakkas, who each spoke their own dialect. The majority of the population here are migrants or their offsprings and descendants. Although Cantonese speaking people have constituted the majority of them, there have always been a significant number of migrants from various places in China, whose mother tongues are not Cantonese. In fact, as recently as the 1950s, Hong Kong was a multiethnic society consisting of multiple linguistic communities, such as Shanghaiese, Chiuchauese, Fujianese, Toisanese, Shantungese, Hunanese, Ningpoese, Hakkas, Tankas, and many more. On top of that, there are non-Chinese ethnic groups who have lived in Hong Kong for generations, and whose ancestors came from Britain, Portugal, Russia, Central Asia, India, Southeast Asia, among other places. If the logic of decolonization means a total rejection of what was culturally imposed on us, we should have rediscovered either our Chineseness by fully adopting Putunghua as the official spoken language, or our multicultural roots by giving due regard to the rights and heritages of all linguistic communities. Either way, the hegemony of Cantonese should be questioned and de-legitimized.
(Eliza Lee, An Open Letter to the Students of CUHK)